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COVID-19 Cover Art Gallery

This year, for the first time, The Aggie Transcript accepted submissions for our journal’s cover from the wider undergraduate community at UC Davis. To celebrate the release of our fifth annual print edition, we present three of the submissions that we received in this art gallery. The winning submission appears first, followed by our honorable mentions. We sincerely thank the authors and artists who submitted to our journal this year for sharing their work with us.


Unprecedented: The Science of COVID-19

By Mario Rodriguez, Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology, Design ‘22

This work was created with the intention of highlighting those in the medical profession and the timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic, from bottom to top: the death of loved ones, the medication and hospitalization of patients, and then the development of vaccines to combat the virus. The digital artwork was created on an iPad in the digital painting app Procreate.


Working Together to Catch Covid

By Daria Beniakoff, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ‘21

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone. The hands of so many people from every direction were put to work figuring out what the virus was and how to mitigate and fight its effects, from the doctors treating patients to the scientists trying to develop treatments and vaccines to the everyday people who had to work around the circumstances. I wanted this digital medium piece to reflect the collaborative effort to contain and stop the pandemic.


Light of Hope

By Bianca Law, Design ‘23