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Is it Bad to Be A “Night Owl”? An Investigation into the Association of Preferred Sleep Time with Allergy & Asthma Symptoms in Adolescents
By Reshma Kolala, Microbiology ‘22
Author’s Note: Adolescents are notorious for not getting enough sleep, but can that impact how the cells of our immune system operate? The following study reinforces the significance of maintaining a natural sleep schedule in adolescents and unveils a new area of research where sleep-wake patterns could be used as a diagnostic when screening for respiratory illnesses.
Our circadian rhythm regulates a myriad of biological activity, ranging from metabolism and cell signaling pathways to various psychological and behavioral patterns. The circadian rhythm is defined as endogenous (built-in mechanism) and entrainable (adjusted to external stimuli such as temperature and light) [1]. Together, these factors manifest into a unique chronotype which describe an individual’s propensity to sleep and wake at a particular time [2]. Recent studies have examined this biological pattern in relation to respiratory illness, revealing how disruption in the circadian rhythm plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of airway inflammation and physiology. The following study aims to further elucidate the relationship between an individual’s chronotype and their susceptibility to asthma or allergic diseases, particularly in the adolescent population.
The study conducted by Halder et al. analyzed data from 1684 adolescents, ranging from ages 13-14, from the Prevalence and Risk Factors of Asthma and Allergy-Related Diseases among Adolescents (PERFORMANCE) study. Each individual was administered the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase III questionnaire to determine each adolescent’s disposition to respiratory illness, with particular emphasis on wheeze, rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis, and asthma. This data was analyzed against responses from the reduced Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (rMEQ), which was used to determine each participant’s chronotype. An individual’s chronotype was classified into one of three categories: morning, evening and intermediate types. External factors such as demographics, social characteristics, and neighborhood environment (rural, industrial suburban, nonindustrial suburban and urban) were also considered as potential influences that may enhance asthma/allergy symptoms. Results revealed that an “individual’s chronotype was associated with respiratory symptoms among adolescents”. More specifically, those that were evening types, and intermediate types to a lesser extent, had a higher risk of current wheeze and current or ever rhinitis when compared to morning types. Intermediate types also demonstrated higher levels of Rhinoconjunctivitis when compared to morning types. Overall, individuals that were identified as evening types had a consistently higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms when compared to morning types. Those identified as morning types did not exhibit significant correlation with respiratory symptoms. This association between respiratory symptoms and chronotype was paralleled, though to a lower degree, in individuals identified as intermediate types as well [3].
The wide pathophysiology of asthma and allergy makes it challenging to pinpoint a particular cellular process to explain this finding [4]. Previous studies have shown that asthma/allergy symptoms worsen at night which can be attributed to multiple immunological factors. A study by Christ et al. in 2018 observed the link between mast cell responsiveness, function in allergic diseases, and the circadian rhythm. Mast cells possess a high affinity for IgE antibody, which is produced by the immune system in response to allergen recognition. When activated by bound IgE, mast cells release chemokines, cytokines, and other inflammatory mediators such as histamine, which exhibit diurnal character (are active during the daytime). This study illustrates how mast cell signaling, critically involved in the inflammatory response, operates on a circadian rhythm. This is due to the fact that inflammatory mediators are governed by diurnal (active during the day) behavior. [5]. This study focused on mast cell signaling by Christ et al. may provide some reasoning behind the results observed in the aforementioned study conducted by Halder et al. The Christ et al. study shows how dysregulation of the sleep-wake cycle interferes with how the immune system responds to the presence of allergens, which could potentially aggravate the respiratory symptoms detailed in the Halder et al. study. For example, those identified as “evening-types” are “more easily prone to circadian misalignments that could eventually lead to circadian clock dysfunction which triggers several down-stream mechanisms including altered immune systems in the lungs”.
Melatonin production is also a significant factor in the inflammatory immune response. Evening type individuals are exposed to higher levels of artificial light at night (ALAN) which disrupts daily rhythms and suppresses nocturnal melatonin production [6]. Melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, plays a vital role in immunomodulation. Immunomodulation is responsible for orchestrating the events of cellular and humoral immunity [7]. Recent studies have identified melatonin as a key player in asthma and allergy-related disease when the circadian rhythm is misregulated by abnormal sleep-wake patterns.
This study is the first to find an association between chronotype and respiratory symptoms in adolescents. As this is a cross-sectional study, researchers in this study are unable to make a causal statement that directly links sleeping patterns to respiratory illness. However, results from this study warrant further investigation into the cellular and behavioral effects of individuals who possess “intermediate” and “evening type” chronotypes. This finding uncovers a new outlet of healthcare, where an individual’s unique chronotype is utilized as a tool in patient diagnosis for various metabolic, behavioral, and respiratory illnesses.
- Circadian rhythm. (2020, November 09). Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm
- Chronotype. (2020, November 08). Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronotype
- Haldar, P., Carsin, A., Debnath, S., Maity, S., Annesi-Maesano, I., Garcia-Aymerich, J., . . . Moitra, S. (2020, April 01). Individual circadian preference (chronotype) is associated with asthma and allergic symptoms among adolescents. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://openres.ersjournals.com/content/6/2/00226-2020
- Huang, R., E. Callaway, H., Burki, T., RS. Edgar, A., JE. Long, M., D. Montaigne, X., . . . LK. Williams, M. (1970, January 01). The Role of the Body Clock in Asthma and COPD: Implication for Treatment. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41030-018-0058-6
- Christ, P., Sowa, A., Froy, O., & Lorentz, A. (2018, July 6). The Circadian Clock Drives Mast Cell Functions in Allergic Reactions. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6043637/
- Haim, A., & Zubidat, A. (2015, May 5). Artificial light at night: Melatonin as a mediator between the environment and epigenome. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4375362/
- Srinivasan V;Spence DW;Trakht I;Pandi-Perumal SR;Cardinali DP;Maestroni GJ;. (n.d.). Immunomodulation by melatonin: Its significance for seasonally occurring diseases. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18679047/
The Mental Health Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Aditi Venkatesh, Cognitive Science ‘21
Author’s Note: I wrote this piece for a UWP 104E assignment to explain the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. I chose to focus on mental health because it holds personal value to me and addresses an often overlooked aspect of this pandemic. I support the creation of more accessible mental health services and hope to encourage people to reflect on their own mental well-being during these unprecedented times.
Recall your life just a few months ago. Hanging out with friends at a restaurant. Working in an office and chatting with coworkers. Sitting in a classroom with hundreds of classmates. Visiting family members. Buying groceries without worrying about wiping everything down. Going for a walk with neighbors.
Now, life looks a lot different. Zoom meetings all the time. FaceTime calls just to talk to friends and family. Paranoia about whether masks and gloves are covering your face and hands properly. Constantly checking social media for news. Using laptops every hour to communicate with classmates, coworkers, teachers, and pretty much anyone. The same routine repeated over and over again.
Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a much different world. The consequences of this pandemic are primarily examined from a medical and economic perspective, but more attention needs to be brought to the psychological impacts of this pandemic. Mental health disorders have become increasingly prevalent in society; data from Active Minds, a mental health awareness organization, states that 50% of the United States population will experience a mental health condition at some point during their lifetime [1]. These statistics become even more concerning for young adults, with 75% of all cases of mental health issues beginning by the age of 24 [1]. With new layers of stress, anxiety, and isolation stemming from the pandemic, mental health issues are more widespread than before. Through the remainder of this piece, I will articulate outcomes of COVID-19 including the general effect of a pandemic on mental health, specifically focusing on younger populations at risk for anxiety and depression. I discuss alternative positive outcomes in people who normally thrive in times of limited social interaction and contrast this with the harmful impact of drastic isolation. I examine the benefits and consequences of increased technology use during COVID-19. Lastly, I have provided a few helpful mental health resources for students, and I urge everyone to assess their own mental health during these difficult times and advocate for better mental health services.
The coronavirus pandemic has created a mental health crisis across the world. Quarantining and shelter-in-place guidelines have isolated most people from family and friends, reduced social interactions drastically, and disrupted normal interpersonal interaction as shown in Figure 1 below, with data collected by the Kaiser Family Foundation towards the end of March 2020 [2]. People were already experiencing negative impacts on their mental health at the onset of the pandemic in early March, so undoubtedly, the duration of quarantine has exacerbated prior conditions. Individuals who are practicing shelter-in-place were more likely to report feeling mild or severe negative impacts on mental health than those who are not sheltering-in-place. Negative impacts include stress, anxiety, and general disruptions to life such as job loss, isolation, and income insecurity. These effects are particularly noticeable in individuals that were already at a higher risk for depression prior to the pandemic: younger adolescents, frontline healthcare workers, and individuals with chronic illnesses.
Figure 1:
Considering the isolation that comes with quarantining, we must recognize that levels of interpersonal dependence produce key vulnerabilities to depression and other comorbid mental health disorders. How much we depend on other relationships has strong implications on support systems, coping mechanisms to mental health issues, and willingness to seek treatment [3]. Prior research on psychosocial risk factors has shown that sociotropy and autonomy are two personality traits that predict depression. Sociotropy is the reliance on interpersonal relationships, while autonomy is related to independence and seeking self-control. A 2018 study conducted by Otani, et al. at the Yamagata School of Medicine in Japan found that sociotropy was associated with negative beliefs about oneself, but autonomy was associated with negative beliefs about others and short-lived positive beliefs about oneself [4]. These results highlight that dependence on others and an imbalance of self-esteem can be linked to depression. Since quarantining creates isolation, this isolation leads to an increased tendency to contemplate and overthink negative core beliefs about oneself, resulting in lower levels of confidence and self-esteem. We should be aware that certain personality traits are more vulnerable to depression during this pandemic and mental health needs to be prioritized more than ever before. However, one might wonder if autonomous individuals are thriving during this pandemic, since there is undoubtedly less social interaction than normal. For example, imagine a student that has mild social anxiety and does not enjoy their large classes in school. They might be relieved because they don’t have to have lengthy conversations with classmates and can independently complete their work. This very well may be the case for certain individuals. Previous studies have shown that autonomy can cultivate creativity, and introversion has been closely linked with autonomous tendencies [5]. Individuals that typically thrive in solitude and focus on hobbies, jobs, and other passions may find comfort in having more time to themselves due to COVID-19. Alternatively, extremely high levels of autonomy, such as complete disconnection from family and friends can be a factor that contributes to depression. This stresses the fact that a majority of individuals need some level of healthy social interaction to have a balanced life.
Despite the finding of a correlation between isolation and depression, since the onset of the pandemic, people are finding creative ways to socially interact and combat the loneliness COVID-19 has created. Many folks schedule weekly or monthly calls with family and friends to catch up. Organizations are holding virtual discussions about mental health and ways to practice self-care. Students across the world are creating online board games and holding virtual game nights.
However even with these alleviating factors, the magnitude and ongoing duration of the pandemic’s restrictions continue to foster unusually high levels of loneliness. Students who may have participated in many extracurricular activities (which are now canceled), can’t talk to their friends as much, feel out of the loop in their lives, and struggle to find ways to spend their free time. Loneliness is one feeling that can contribute to depression and anxiety. In Figure 2, among data collected by Healthline through a YouGov COVID-19 Tracker during April 2020, the age group most affected by depression and anxiety (33%) was adults younger than 35 years old [6]. Additionally, this younger population showed an increase of anxiety and depression over a two-week span from April 12th to April 26th. Lastly, 45% of the U.S. population tested showed anxiety and depression PHQ-4 values out of the normal range [6]. However, older populations reported a plateau or slight reduction, which may be due to less dramatic lifestyle changes or less technology use compared to younger generations. This is significant because it illustrates that younger adults, which includes most students, disproportionately face worsened mental health.
Figure 2:
At the same time in China, researchers found similar patterns of anxiety and depression and chose to analyze why this exacerbation was present in younger individuals. Many research studies in China, where the peak of COVID-19 has passed, are examining the psychological repercussions of the pandemic, with a focus on depression and anxiety. In a published study from April 2020, researchers in Wuhan, China measured that the prevalence of depression and anxiety in the general population was 35.1% and 20.1%, respectively [7]. Further analysis of the self-report questionnaire confirmed that individuals younger than 35 years old reported more severe symptoms of depression and anxiety. In fact, among the younger population, those that spent more than 3 hours per day thinking about the pandemic faced more severe anxiety than those that spent 0-2 hours. This result highlights that in addition to actual lifestyle changes, thoughts about COVID-19 induces anxiety in young populations. This begs the question, why are younger people thinking about COVID-19 more than older people?
The answer is technology. Even though everyone uses technology, younger ages rely on technology more, especially for school and interacting with friends. Of course, technology is not all bad. In fact, society is most likely only able to function during this pandemic due to advancements like video conferencing, telemedicine, and online social groups. However, another study conducted in Wuhan, China explored the use of social media during the recovery interventions placed after the peak of COVID-19 [8]. Researchers found that social media support groups slightly reduced depression. But more significantly, adults that spent more than 2 hours on COVID-19 news on social media had increased anxiety and depression. Another study in Chicago in May 2020 explored the role of mainstream media in coronavirus news and depression. Researchers found that greater exposure to COVID-19 news, through cable news channels like CNN, local news channels, and the New York Times, led to higher perceived vulnerability to COVID-19, and this was strongly correlated with depressive symptoms [9]. Social media and mainstream media sources can both produce an undue burden on individuals through a barrage of stressful information about COVID-19 and lead to greater anxiety and depression.
Another form of technology, while useful for work and school, has unintended negative consequences: video conferencing. People have started to refer to these downsides as “Zoom fatigue” [10]. Zoom fatigue is the phenomenon where people are more tired and stressed with online meetings compared to in-person ones. I am sure many readers have experienced the similar stresses of looking presentable, awkward silences when nobody is speaking, and simply, less fun meetings. During Zoom meetings, it is difficult to discern normal social cues, such as body language and eye contact, over a video. This nonverbal communication is crucial to making conversations run smoothly. Removal of many social cues makes video calls feel impersonal. It can make even a catch-up video call to your best friend seem stressful. Additionally, previous research has shown that when responding online, even delays of up to 1.2 seconds can make a person seem unfocused and unfriendly [10]. These slight technological delays can dramatically contribute to greater stress and anxiety. Zoom fatigue can be especially taxing on younger populations that are still in school and are constantly in and out of Zoom meetings for courses.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, society finds itself at crossroads. How do we balance the positive and negative impacts of the technology use? Obviously, we cannot simply get rid of Zoom meetings and online classes; however, this pandemic gives us a crucial opportunity to expand online mental health services. Past research on mental health effects during the 2003 SARS epidemic in China showed similar prevalence of worsened mental health, with 48% of the participants reporting deteriorated mental health because of the SARS epidemic through anxiety and depression; this is very similar to the 47% found in the 2020 KFF study [11, 2]. If mental health issues are just as exacerbated in our pandemic 15 years later even with greater technological advancements, it accentuates the disparities in accessible online mental health care. Increasing virtual therapy appointments, online support groups, and videos for stress-relieving techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and self-reflection are some starting points.
A CDC study conducted in June 2020, several months following the onset of the pandemic, found that people aged 18-24 years still face the highest prevalence of mental health conditions [12]. However, 30.9% of all participants showed anxiety and depression symptoms above normal PHQ-4 measurements; this illustrates a reduction compared to the finding of 45% measured in the April 2020 Healthline survey [12, 6]. Most importantly, I hope this shows that things are getting better. I especially encourage all readers to reflect on how to better take care of their own mental health. It is so important to practice self-care, which can be different for everyone! This can be exercising, seeing a therapist, hanging out with friends, getting more sleep, or setting boundaries for your own capabilities. It’s okay to prioritize your mental health when things get overwhelming. Therapy can be helpful for some folks, so here are some resources to be aware of. Student Health and Counseling Services offers on-campus counseling appointments for students (call (530) 732-0871 or visit hem.ucdavis.edu to schedule). Free tele-mental health and online counseling appointments are offered through Therapy Assistance Online (visit taoconnect.org and sign up with your UC Davis email). Text RELATE to 741741 to chat live with a crisis counselor, available 24/7 through the Crisis Text Line. Lean on your support systems and know that you are not alone! Mental health is just as important as your physical health. I hope we can take this time to acknowledge the mental health crisis this pandemic has created by improving available mental health services and making mental healthcare more accessible for at-risk populations.
- Statistics. (2020, June 24). Retrieved August 07, 2020, from https://www.activeminds.org/about-mental-health/statistics/
- Panchal, N., Kamal, R., Orgera, K., Cox, C. F., Garfield, R., Hamel, L., Muñana, C., & Chidambaram, P. (2020, April 21). The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use. Retrieved from https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/the-implications-of-covid-19-for-mental-health-and-substance-use/
- Meissner, B. L., & Bantjes, J. (2017). Disconnection, reconnection and autonomy: four young South African men’s experience of attempting suicide. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(7), 781–797. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2016.1273512
- Otani, K., Suzuki, A., Matsumoto, Y., & Shirata, T. (2018). Marked differences in core beliefs about self and others, between sociotropy and autonomy: Personality vulnerabilities in the cognitive model of depression. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 14, 863–866. doi: 10.2147/ndt.s161541
- Runco, M. A., & Pritzker, S. R. (1999). Encyclopedia of creativity. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
- Healthline Mental Health Index: Week of April 26 – U.S. Population. (2020, May 14). Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/press/healthline-mental-health-index-week-of-april-26-u-s-population
- Huang, Y., & Zhao, N. (2020). Mental health burden for the public affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in China: Who will be the high-risk group? Psychology, Health & Medicine, 1-12. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2020.1754438
- Ni, M. Y., Yang, L., Leung, C., Li, N., Yao, X. I., Wang, Y., Leung, G. M., Cowling, B. J., & Liao, Q. (2020). Mental Health, Risk Factors, and Social Media Use During the COVID-19 Epidemic and Cordon Sanitaire Among the Community and Health Professionals in Wuhan, China: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Mental Health, 7(5). doi: 10.2196/19009
- Olagoke, A. A., Olagoke, O. O., & Hughes, A. M. (2020). Exposure to coronavirus news on mainstream media: The role of risk perceptions and depression. British Journal of Health Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12427
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- Lau, J. T., Yang, X., Pang, E., Tsui, H. Y., Wong, E., & Wing, Y. K. (2005). SARS-related perceptions in Hong Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11(3), 417–424. doi: 0.3201/eid1103.040675
- Czeisler, M. É., Lane, R. I., Petrosky, E., Wiley, J. F., Christensen, A., Njai, R., Weaver, M. D., Robbins, R., Facer-Childs, E. R., Barger, L. K., Czeisler, C. A., Howard, M. E., & Rajaratnam, S. M.W. (2020, August 13). Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 24-30, 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2020, 69, 1049–1057. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6932a1
Fold@Home: Aid in COVID-19 Research from Home
Image via Folding@Home
By Nathan Levinzon, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior ‘23
Author’s Note: The purpose of this article is to introduce and inform the UC Davis scientific community of Folding@Home; a distributed computing project that allows individuals and researchers to donate computing resources from their computers towards COVID-19 research.
Keywords: COVID-19, Folding@Home, Distributed Computing
Reports of localized viral pneumonia cases in the Chinese city of Wuhan began in December 2019, initially amounting to little concern for humanity. Since then, the world has drastically changed as a result of COVID-19. As of September 16, 2020, almost thirty million cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed across the globe, claiming the lives of close to one million individuals. In California alone, there have been seven hundred seventy thousand cases with close to twenty three thousand deaths as of September 28th [1]. Millions of individuals are currently under a government-mandated shelter-in-place order, forcing the lives of many to come to a standstill. In a statement made by UC Davis Chancellor May in March of this year, “much of [UC Davis’] research is ramping down, but when it comes to the coronavirus, our efforts continue apace” [2]. One such effort taking place at UC Davis is called Folding@Home (FAH), and it allows researchers to study the mechanisms of COVID-19 with nothing but a computer.
FAH originated as a project to study how protein structures interact with their environment. Currently, some proteins of particular interest to FAH are the constituents of the virus that causes COVID-19. Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 has four types of proteins: the spike, envelope, membrane, and nucleocapsid proteins. Many copies of the spike protein protrude from the surface of the virus, where they wait to encounter Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) on the surface of human cells [3]. In order to develop therapeutic antibodies or small molecules for the treatment of COVID-19, scientists need to better understand the structure of the viral spike protein and how it binds to the human enzymes required for viral entry into the cells. Before the spike proteins on SARS-CoV-2 can function, they must first take on a particular structure, known as a ‘conformation’, through a process known as “protein folding.” As a result of the many factors that impact protein folding, like electrostatic interaction, especially the electrostatic interactions between amino acids and their environment, research into therapeutics against COVID-19 first necessitates intensive computation in order to resolve protein structure [4]. Only after the proteins of SARS-CoV-2 are understood can the hunt for a cure begin.
FAH is able to study the complex phenomena of protein folding thanks to the computational power of distributed computing. A distributed computing project is a piece of software that allows volunteers to “donate” computing time from the Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) located in their personal computers towards solving problems that require significant computing power, like protein folding. In essence, FAH uses a personal computer’s computational resources while the computer is idle to perform calculations involving protein folding. This donated computing power is what forms the “nodes” within a greater cluster of other computers in a process known as “cluster computing.” FAH uses the cluster’s resources to run complex biophysical computer simulations in order to understand the complexities and outcomes of protein folding [5]. In this way, FAH brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers.
Studying protein folding via distributed computing has humble beginnings but has grown into a technology that has the potential to research even the most elusive proteins. First, established protein conformations are used by FAH as starting points for a set of simulation trajectories through a technique called ‘adaptive sampling.’ The theory behind adaptive sampling goes as follows: If a protein folds through the states A to B to C, researchers can calculate the length of the transition time between A and C by simulating the A to B transition and the B to C transition [6]. First, a computer simulates the initial conditions of a protein many times to determine the sample space of protein conformations. As the simulations discover more conformations, a Markov state model (MSM) is created and used to find the most dominant of protein conformations. The MSM represents a master equation framework: meaning that, in theory, the complete dynamics of a protein can be described using a single MSM [7]. The MSM method significantly increases the efficiency of simulation as it avoids unnecessary computation and allows for the statistical aggregation of short, independent simulation trajectories [8]. The amount of time it takes to construct an MSM is inversely proportional to the number of parallel simulations running, i.e., the number of CPUs and GPUs available [9]. At the end of computation, an aggregate final model of all the sample states is generated. This final model is able to illustrate folding events and dynamics of the protein, which researchers can use to study and discover potential binding sites for novel therapeutic compounds.
The power of FAH’s distributed computing in the hunt for a cure to COVID-19 grows with each computer on FAH’s network.ch citizen scientist who donates the power of their idle computer. Currently, pharmaceutical research in COVID-19 has been hindered by the fact that there are no obvious drug binding sites on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This makes developing therapeutic remedies for COVID-19 a long, expensive process of ‘check and guess.’ However, there is promise: in the past, FAH’s simulations have captured motions in the proteins of the Ebola virus that create a potentially druggable site not otherwise observable[10]. Using the same methodology as they did for Ebola, FAH has now found similar events in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and hopes to use this result and future results to one day produce a life-saving treatment for COVID-19. By downloading Folding@Home and selecting to contribute to “Any Disease”, anyone can help provide FAH-affiliated researchers with the computational power required to tackle this worldwide epidemic. For more information, refer to https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/.
- Smith, M., White, J., Collins, K., McCann, A., & Wu, J. (2020, June 28). Tracking Every Coronavirus Case in the U.S.: Full Map. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
- May, G. S. (2020, March 20). Update on Our Response to COVID-19. UC Davis Leadership. https://leadership.ucdavis.edu/news/messages/chancellor-messages/update-on-our-response-to-covid19-march-20
- Astuti, I., & Ysrafil. (2020). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsx.2020.04.020
- Sarah Everts. (2017, July 31). Protein folding: Much more intricate than we thought | July 31, 2017 Issue – Vol. 95 Issue 31 | Chemical & Engineering News. Cen.Acs.Org. https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/i31/Protein-folding-Much-intricate-thought.html
- About – Folding@home. (n.d.). Folding@Home. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from https://foldingathome.org/about/
- Bowman, G. R., Voelz, V. A., & Pande, V. S. (2011). Taming the complexity of protein folding. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 21(1), 4–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbi.2010.10.006
- Husic, B. E., & Pande, V. S. (2018). Markov State Models: From an Art to a Science. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(7), 2386–2396. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.7b12191
- Sengupta, U., Carballo-Pacheco, M., & Strodel, B. (2019). Automated Markov state models for molecular dynamics simulations of aggregation and self-assembly. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(11), 115101. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083915
- Stone, J. E., Phillips, J. C., Freddolino, P. L., Hardy, D. J., Trabuco, L. G., & Schulten, K. (2007). Accelerating molecular modeling applications with graphics processors. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 28(16), 2618–2640. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcc.20829
- Cruz, M. A., Frederick, T. E., Singh, S., Vithani, N., Zimmerman, M. I., Porter, J. R., Moeder, K. E., Amarasinghe, G. K., & Bowman, G. R. (2020). Discovery of a cryptic allosteric site in Ebola’s ‘undruggable’ VP35 protein using simulations and experiments. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.09.940510
The Scientific Cost of Progression: CAR-T Cell Therapy
By Picasso Vasquez, Genetics and Genomics ‘20
Author’s Note: One of the main goals for my upper division UWP class was to write about a recent scientific discovery. I decided to write about CAR-T cell therapy because this summer I interned at a pharmaceutical company and worked on a project that involved using machine learning to optimize the CAR-T manufacturing process. I think readers would benefit from this article because it talks about a recent development in cancer therapy.
“There’s no precedent for this in cancer medicine.” Dr. Carl June is the director of the Center for Cellular Immunotherapies and the director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at the University of Pennsylvania. June and his colleagues were the first to use CAR-T, which has since revolutionized personal cancer immunotherapy [1]. “They were like modern-day Lazarus cases,” said Dr. June, referencing the resurrection of Saint Lazarus in the Gospel of John and how it parallels the first two patients to receive CAR-T. CAR-T, or chimeric antigen receptor T-cell, is a novel cancer immunotherapy that uses a person’s own immune system to fight off cancerous cells existing within their body [1].
Last summer, I had the opportunity to venture across the country from Davis, California, to Springhouse, Pennsylvania, where I worked for 12 weeks as a computational biologist. One of the projects I worked on was using machine learning models to improve upon the manufacturing process of CAR-T, with the goal of reducing the cost of the therapy. The manufacturing process begins when T-cells are collected from the hospitalized patient through a process called leukapheresis. In this process, the T-cells are frozen and shipped to the manufacturing facility, such as the one I worked at this summer, where they are then grown up in large bioreactors. On day three, the T-cells are genetically engineered to be selective towards the patient’s cancer by the addition of the chimeric antigen receptor; this process turns the T-cells into CAR-T cells [2]. For the next seven days, the bioengineered T-cells continue to grow and multiply in the bioreactor. On day 10, the T-cells are frozen and shipped back to the hospital where they are injected back into the patient. Over the 10 days prior to receiving the CAR-T cells, the patient is given chemotherapy to prepare their body for inoculation of the immunotherapy [2]. This whole process is very expensive and as Dr. June put it in his TedMed talk, “it can cost up to 150,000 dollars to make the CAR-T cells for each patient.” But the cost does not stop there; when you include the cost of treating other complications, the cost “can reach one million dollars per patient” [1].
The biggest problem with fighting cancer is that cancer cells are the result of normal cells in your body gone wrong. Because cancer cells look so similar to the normal cells, the human body’s natural immune system, which consists of B and T-cells, is unable to discern the difference between them and will be unable to fight off the cancer. The concept underlying CAR-T is to isolate a patient’s T-cells and genetically engineer them to express a protein, called a receptor, that can directly recognize and target the cancer cells [2]. The inclusion of the genetically modified receptor allows the newly created CAR-T cells to bind cancer cells by finding the conjugate antigen to the newly added receptor. Once the bond between receptor and antigen has been formed, the CAR-T cells become cytotoxic and release small molecules that signal the cancer cell to begin apoptosis [3]. Although there has always been drugs that help your body’s T-cells fight cancer, CAR-T breaks the mold by showing great efficacy and selectivity. Dr. June stated “27 out of 30 patients, the first 30 we treated, or 90 percent, had a complete remission after CAR-T cells.” He then goes on to say, “companies often declare success in a cancer trial if 15 percent of the patients had a complete response rate” [1].
As amazing as the results of CAR-T have been, this wonderful success did not happen overnight. According to Dr. June, “CAR T-cell therapies came to us after a 30-year journey, along with a road full of setbacks and surprises.” One of these setbacks is the side effects that result from the delivery of CAR-T cells. When T-cells find their corresponding antigen, in this case the receptor on the cancer cells, they begin to multiply and proliferate at very high levels. For patients who have received the therapy, this is a good sign because the increase in T-cells indicates that the therapy is working. When T-cells rapidly proliferate, they produce molecules called cytokines. Cytokines are small signaling proteins that guide other cells around them on what to do. During CAR-T, the T cells rapidly produce a cytokine called IL-6, or interleukin-6, which induces inflammation, fever, and even organ failure when produced in high amounts [3].
According to Dr. June, the first patient to receive CAR-T had “weeks to live and … already paid for his funeral.” When he was infused with CAR-T, the patient had a high fever and fell comatose for 28 days [1]. When he awoke from his coma, he was examined by doctors and they found that his leukemia had been completely eliminated from his body, meaning that CAR-T had worked. Dr. June reported that “the CAR-T cells had attacked the leukemia … and had dissolved between 2.9 and 7.7 pounds of tumor” [1].
Although the first patients had outstanding success, the doctors still did not know what caused the fevers and organ failures. It was not until the first child to receive CAR-T went through the treatment did they discover the cause of the adverse reaction. Emily Whitehead, at six years old, was the first child to be enrolled in the CAR-T clinical trial [1]. Emily was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), an advanced, incurable form of leukemia. After she received the infusion of CAR-T, she experienced the same symptoms of the prior patient. “By day three, she was comatose and on life support for kidney failure, lung failure, and coma. Her fever was as high as 106 degrees Fahrenheit for three days. And we didn’t know what was causing those fevers” [1]. While running tests on Emily, the doctors found that there was an upregulation of IL-6 in her blood. Dr. June suggested that they administer Tocilizumab to combat increased IL-6 levels. After contacting Emily’s parents and the review board, Emily was given Tocilizumab and “Within hours after treatment with Tocilizumab, Emily began to improve very rapidly. Twenty-three days after her treatment, she was declared cancer-free. And today, she’s 12 years old and still in remission” [1]. Currently, two versions of CAR-T have been approved by the FDA, Yescarta and Kymriah, which treat diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) respectively [1].
The whole process is very stressful and time sensitive. This long manufacturing task results in the million-dollar price tag on CAR-T and is why only patients in the worst medical states can receive CAR-T [1]. However, as Dr. June states, “the cost of failure is even worse.” Despite the financial cost and difficult manufacturing process, CAR-T has elevated cancer therapy to a new level and set a new standard of care. However, there is still much work to be done. The current CAR-T drugs have only been shown to be effective against liquid based cancers such as lymphomas and non-effective against solid tumor cancers [4]. Regardless, research into improving the process of CAR-T continues to be done both at the academic level and the industrial level.
- June, Carl. “A ‘living drug’ that could change the way we treat cancer.” TEDMED, Nov. 2018, ted.com/talks/carl_june_a_living_drug_that_could_change_the_way_we_treat_cancer.
- Tyagarajan S, Spencer T, Smith J. 2019. Optimizing CAR-T Cell Manufacturing Processes during Pivotal Clinical Trials. Mol Ther. 16: 136-144.
- Maude SL, Laetch TW, Buechner J, et al. 2018. Tisagenlecleucel in Children and Young Adults with B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. N Engl J Med. 378: 439-448.
- O’Rourke DM, Nasrallah MP, Desai A, et al. 2017. A single dose of peripherally infused EGFRvIII-directed CAR T cells mediates antigen loss and induces adaptive resistance in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Sci Transl Med. 9: 399.
Pharmacogenomics in Personalized Medicine: How Medicine Can Be Tailored To Your Genes
By: Anushka Gupta, Genetics and Genomics, ‘20
Author’s Note: Modern medicine relies on technologies that have barely changed over the past 50 years, despite all of the research that has been conducted on new drugs and therapies. Although medications save millions of lives every year, any one of these might not work for one person even if it works for someone else. With this paper, I hope to shed light on this new rising field and the lasting effects it can have on the human population.
Future of Modern Medicine
Take the following scenario: You’re experiencing a persistent cough, a loss of appetite, and unexplained weight loss to only then find an egg-like swelling under your arm. Today, a doctor would determine your diagnosis by taking a biopsy of your arm and analyzing the cells using the microscope, a 400-year-old technology. You have non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Today’s treatment plan for this condition is a generic one-size-fits-all chemotherapy with some combination of alkylating agents, anti-metabolites, and corticosteroids (just to name a few) that would be injected intravenously to target fast-dividing cells that can harm both cancer cells and healthy cells [1]. This approach may be effective, but if it doesn’t work, your doctor tells you not to despair – there are some other possible drug combinations that might be able to save you.
Flash forward to the future. Your doctor will now instead scan your arm with a DNA array, a computer chip-like device that can register the activity patterns of thousands of different genes in your cells. It will then tell you that your case of lymphoma is actually one of six distinguishable types of T-cell cancer, each of which is known to respond best to different drugs. Your doctor will then use a SNP chip to flag medicines that won’t work in your case since your liver enzymes break them down too fast.
Tailoring Treatment to the Individual
The latter case is one that we all wish to encounter if we were in this scenario. Luckily, this may be the case one day with the implementation of pharmacogenomics in personalized medicine. This new field takes advantage of the fact that new medications typically require extensive trials and testing to ensure its safety, thus holding the potential as a new solution to bypass the traditional testing process of pharmaceuticals.
Even though only the average response is reported, if the drug is shown to have adverse side effects to any fraction of the population, the drug is immediately rejected. “Many drugs fail in clinical trials because they turn out to be toxic to just 1% or 2% of the population,” says Mark Levin, CEO of Millennium Pharmaceuticals [2]. With genotyping, drug companies will be able to identify specific gene variants underlying severe side effects, allowing the occasional toxic reports to be accepted, as gene tests will determine who should and shouldn’t get them. Such pharmacogenomic advances will more than double the FDA approval rate of drugs that can reach the clinic. In the past, fast-tracking was only reserved for medications that were to treat untreatable illnesses. However, pharmacogenomics allows for medications to undergo an expedited process, regardless of the severity of the disease. There would be fewer guidelines to follow because the entire population would not need to produce a desirable outcome. As long as the cause of the adverse reaction can be attributed to a specific genetic variant, the drug will be approved by the FDA [3].
Certain treatments already exist using this current model, such as for those who are afflicted with a certain genetic variant of cystic fibrosis. Additionally, this will contribute to reducing the number of yearly cases of adverse drug reactions. As with any field, pharmacogenomics is still a rising field and is not without its challenges, but new research is still being conducted to test its viability.
With pharmacogenomic informed personalized medicine, individualized treatment can be designed according to one’s genomic profile to predict the clinical outcome of different treatments in different patients [4]. Normally, drugs would be tested on a large population, where the average response would be reported. While this method of medicine relies on the law of averages, personalized medicine, on the other hand, recognizes that no two patients are alike [5].
Genetic Variants
By doubling the approval rate, there will be a larger variety of drugs available to patients with unique circumstances where the generic treatment fails. In pharmacogenomics, genomic information is used to study individual responses to drugs. Experiments can be designed to determine the correlation between particular gene variants with exact drug responses. Specifically, modern approaches, including multigene analysis or whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiles, will assist in clinical trials for drug discovery and development [5]. SNPs are especially useful as they are genetically unique to each individual and are responsible for many variable characteristics, such as appearance and personality. A strong grasp of SNPs is fundamental to understand why an individual may have a specific reaction to a drug. Furthermore, SNPs can also be applied so that these genetic markers can be mapped to certain drug responses.
Research regarding specific genetic variants and their association with a varying drug response will be fundamental in prescribing a drug to a patient. The design and implementation of personalized medical therapy will not only improve the outcome of treatments but also reduce the risk of toxicity and other adverse effects. A better understanding of individual variations and their effect on drug response, metabolism excretion, and toxicity has the potential to replace the trial-and-error approach of treatment. Evidence of the clinical utility of pharmacogenetic testing is only available for a few medications, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels only require pharmacogenetics testing for a small number of drugs [6].
Cystic Fibrosis: Case Study
While this concept may seem far-fetched, a few select treatments have been approved by the FDA for certain populations, as this field of study promotes the development of targeted therapies. For example, the drug Ivacaftor was approved for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe. Those diagnosed with CF have a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, rendering the resulting CFTR protein defective. This protein is responsible for moving chloride to the cell surface, attracting water that will then generate mucus. However, those with the mutation have thick and sticky mucus, leaving the patient susceptible to germs and other infections as the bacteria that would normally be cleared [7]. Ivacaftor is only approved for CF patients who bear the specific G551D genetic variant, a specific mutation in the CFTR gene. This drug can then target the CFTR protein, increase its activity, and consequently improve lung function [8]. It’s important to note that the G551D is only just one genetic variant out of 1,700 currently known mutations that can cause CF.
Adverse Drug Reactions
Pharmacogenomics also addresses the unknown adverse effects of drugs, especially for medications that are taken too often or too long. These adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are estimated to cost $136 billion annually. Additionally, within the United States itself, serious side effects from pharmaceutical drugs occur in 2 million people each year and may cause as many as 100,000 deaths, making it the fourth most common cause of death according to the FDA [9].
The mysterious and unpredictable side effects of various drugs have been chalked up to individual variation encoded in the genome and not drug dosage. Genetics also determines hypersensitivity reactions in patients who may be allergic to certain drugs. In these cases, the body will initiate a rapid and aggressive immune response that can hinder breathing and may even lead to a cardiovascular collapse [5]. This is just one of the countless cases where unknown patient hypersensitivity to drugs can lead to extreme outcomes. However, some new research in pharmacogenomics has shown that 80% of the variability in drugs can be reduced. The implications of this new research could mean that a significant amount of these ADRs could be significantly decreased inpatient management, leading to better outcomes [11].
Pharmacogenomic informed medicine may suggest the ultimate demise of the traditional model of drug development, but the concept of targeted therapy is still in its early stages. One reason that this may be the case is due to the fact that most pharmacogenetic traits involve more than one gene, making it even more difficult to understand or even predict the different variations of a complex phenotype like a drug response. Through genome-wide approaches, there is evidence of drugs having multiple targets and numerous off-target results [4].
Even though this is a promising field, there are challenges that must be overcome. There is a large gap between integrating the primary care workforce with genomic information for various diseases and conditions as many healthcare workers are not prepared to integrate genomics into their daily practice. Medical school curriculums would need to be updated in order to implement information and knowledge regarding pharmacogenomics incorporated personalized medicine. This would also create a barrier in presenting this new research to broader audiences including medical personnel due to the complexity of the field and its inherently interdisciplinary nature [12].
The field has made important strides over the past decade, but clinical trials are still needed to not only identify the various links between genes and treatment outcome, but also to clarify the meaning of these associations and translate them into prescribing guidelines [4]. Despite its potential, there are not many examples where pharmacogenomics impacts clinical utility, especially since many genetic variants have not been studied yet. Nonetheless, progress in the field gives us a glimpse of a time where pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine will be a part of regular patient care.
- “Chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.” American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org/cancer/non-hodgkin-lymphoma/treating/chemotherapy.html.
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- Roden, Dan M, et al. “Pharmacogenomics: Challenges and Opportunities.” Annals of Internal Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 21 Nov. 2006, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5006954/#idm140518217413328title.
Taking the Driver’s Seat in your Diagnosis
By: Mari Hoffman, Genetics and Genomics 2021
Author’s Note: In this paper, I will be discussing reviews on patient activation level and health outcomes in chronic diseases. I wanted to analyze the effect patients can have on their own treatment plans and discuss how they can make a difference. I feel personally connected to this topic because my dad was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and has been a role model for me in his journey of his treatment plan.
Patient involvement and education in their diagnosis is not a novel idea, but has been shown to play a role in overall patient experience [1, 2]. Chronic illnesses create responsibilities and demands on patients to manage and understand their care and diagnosis. It has been shown that chronic disease patients who take on a bigger role and engagement level with their own health have more positive outcomes [3]. Patient engagement or patient activation can be defined as “the individual’s knowledge, skill, and confidence for managing their own health” [3].
Patients who are more involved in their diagnosis and treatment have been shown to have more positive outcomes. One study used survey data from cancer patients and assessed how patient activation level affected actions taken on by the patient, communication with the doctor, and overall satisfaction with their care and treatment [3]. The study used survey data that was collected by CancerCare who sent out six different online surveys to cancer patients in order to test their patient activation measure [3]. The survey was sent out to a sample that consisted of those who were 25 years or older and had received a cancer diagnosis [3]. The study population varied in different characteristics and after controlling for demographics and health status factors, the study found that patients who scored higher in their activation level were 4.7 times more likely to start exercise and 3.3 times more likely to start a healthier diet when compared to patients who scored less in their activation level [3]. The study also found that less activated patients had a lower score in following their doctor’s recommendations, discussing side effects with their doctor, and in their overall satisfaction of their care received [3]. As discussed above, patients who scored higher on their activation level are more likely to be better informed on their treatment options and have greater proactivity in managing their condition [3].
There are a wide range of different factors that have been found to affect a patient’s interest in participating in their health care decision-making. These factors are related to demographic, personal characteristics, ability to put time in, stage and severity of disease, and the influence from the practitioner [4]. There are many reasons not stated above why one may or may not involve themself in their own treatment decisions and plans.
Information about one’s diagnosis and care treatment is one of the ways in which a patient can educate themself. This information enables people to understand and exchange with their healthcare provider on consequential decisions [4]. Education of the disease has been shown to increase the patient’s willingness to ask questions because they are more confident in their understanding and therefore participate in a more active role in their treatment plan [4]. Decreasing the gap in education on their diagnosis also leads patients to better understand their own personal requirements with regard to their treatment and personalized treatment in terms of exercise and diet, and trust in their doctor to take their recommendations [4].
Patient education and proactiveness can even lead to a patient becoming a driver in their own diagnosis. In January of 2016, my dad was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia by a general hematologist and was put on a “watch and wait” approach. This approach essentially means that a patient’s condition is monitored without receiving any treatment until there is a change in symptoms [5]. This made sense for my dad since his cancer was slow moving and he did not have many symptoms. Around six months later, the hematologist said he needed to be treated with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (FCR), which is a Cytotoxic Chemotherapy. The doctor gave no real explanation for why he had to be treated at that time and regarding FCR, he simply said “it’s the gold standard.” At this time, my dad had started to get connected with CLL support groups such as the CLL Society and decided to get a second opinion. Through the process of educating himself and receiving a second opinion, he realized there were many negative side effects that came with FCR that his doctor did not inform him about, and he would need his genetics tested to even see if he was compatible with the treatment. When he brought up his genetics to the doctor, the doctor responded saying he thought they already did that. My dad left the appointment feeling shocked and realizing he needed to be informed and educated on his treatment options if he wanted the best possible treatment. After doing genetic testing, he found over 50% of his cells were 17P deleted and he also had Trisomy 12. This meant his genetics would not be compatible with the treatment plan. It was becoming apparent to my dad that new non-cytotoxic treatments were superior for most CLL patients. He decided to take the initiative to continue to “watch and wait” and explore other options.
After a couple of months, his symptoms started to progress and he got an appointment with a doctor at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) who told him that there was a clinical trial happening that could be a potential treatment option for his disease. Through his own research and the resources he found through the CLL Society website, support groups, and UCSD, he decided this was the right treatment for him. It was good that he chose to wait rather than take the initial treatment offered; if he chose the latter, he would have not qualified for the trial. He has been on the clinical trial with Venetoclax and Ibrutinib for about two years now and has shown normal numbers in terms of his white blood count, which is used to measure the presence of CLL. Through the resources provided to him, he was able to gain knowledge and connections with experts in the field to feel confident in his decision to find a treatment plan that worked for him. My dad is now very involved with the CLL Society and founded a local CLL support group in San Diego where they meet to discuss their experiences and bring in health professionals to lead discussions.
My dad’s personal story and the data shown above shows how imperative it is to do research and educate yourself on your own condition. It is critical to get your main information and opinions from your doctor, and to always consider a second opinion. Evidently, educating yourself on your own health and treatment plans can have beneficial effects overall, but it is critical to remember that doctors and health care professionals are trained in their field. It is very important to use your education and resources to find a specialist in your disease and start a conversation with them. Although you may not have all the resources in the beginning, the best advocate for your health and future is yourself. Use all the resources you can to continue to be informed and in touch with the professionals in the study of your disease.
- Thompson, Andrew G.h. “The Meaning of Patient Involvement and Participation in Health Care Consultations: A Taxonomy.” Social Science & Medicine, vol. 64, no. 6, 2007, pp. 1297–1310., doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2006.11.002.
- Hibbard, Judith H., and Jessica Greene. “What The Evidence Shows About Patient Activation: Better Health Outcomes And Care Experiences; Fewer Data On Costs.” Health Affairs, vol. 32, no. 2, 2013, pp. 207–214., doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1061.
- Hibbard, Judith H., et al. “Does Patient Activation Level Affect the Cancer Patient Journey?” Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 100, no. 7, 2017, pp. 1276–1279., doi:10.1016/j.pec.2017.03.019.
- Vahdat, Shaghayegh et al. “Patient involvement in health care decision making: a review.” Iranian Red Crescent medical journal vol. 16,1 (2014): e12454. doi:10.5812/ircmj.12454
Cerebral Palsy: More Than a Neurological Condition
By Anjali Borad, Psychology ‘21
Author’s Note: This paper explores the dynamic relationship between a mother and her son and the complexity of a health condition that the son has. I will look at a specific case of cerebral palsy—my brother—and talk about how his condition came to be and the likely prognosis. I want to delve into the details of how family dynamics play a very important role in the caregiving and caretaking that goes along with having a disabled family member and how that is seen in the relationship between my brother and my mother.
I see two different perspectives of my brother, Sam, and his condition, cerebral palsy: one through his eyes and the other through the eyes of my mother, his caregiver. Observing how my mother has taken care of Sam from the beginning, I began to realize that it takes a lot to be a caregiver and that she plays a significant role in his life. In order to gain more insight into her practices of giving care, I interviewed her. I started off by asking her what it means to be a caregiver and what “care” means to her. She took a deep breath in and expressed her daily routines as a caregiver. “Waking up in the morning, the first thing that you have to do is to attend to him and care for him before yourself,” she said. “You know that from brushing his teeth to giving him a shower and feeding him, we have to do everything from A to Z.”[1] A day in the life of my mother starts and ends with my brother, from getting him out of bed to providing him with basic needs like food and water. She even takes care of specific requests that pertain to his own interests, such as wearing a watch every day and having matching socks and pants.
Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder. Most cases of cerebral palsy occur under hypoxic conditions during the birthing process. This lack of oxygen to the brain can cause developmental delays and lifelong debilitating conditions [2]. My family and I have experienced the difficulties and limitations that accompany this disease first hand. My brother’s condition of cerebral palsy is in its most extreme form: he has quadriplegia and spasticity. A telltale sign of quadriplegic cerebral palsy is the inability to voluntarily control and use the extremities. Spasticity occurs due to a lesion in the upper motor neuron, located in the brain and spinal cord. It interferes with the signals that your muscles need to move and manifests in the body by increasing muscle tone and making the muscles unusually tight [3]. Dr. Neil Lava, a member of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and American Academy of Neurology, describes the pathophysiology of a lack of muscular activity. “When your muscles don’t move for a long time, they become weak and stiff,” Lava writes [4]. This physical restraint is evident in my brother’s case because he has been wheelchair-bound since the age of seven.
Upper motor neuron lesions can worsen over time. Major prolonged symptoms include over-responsive reflexes, weakness in the extensor muscles, and slow movement of the body, all of which affect the sensation of balance and coordination. For this kind of condition, occupational and physical therapy can alleviate some of the symptomatic stresses. In the case of therapy, performing the right kind of stretches can help to relax some muscle stiffness. Medication and certain surgical procedures can also treat upper motor neuron symptoms. Some common muscle relaxants prescribed to patients are Zanaflex, Klonopin and Baclofen [5].
At the neurochemical level, “Spasticity results from an inadequate release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system,” according to Mohammed Jan [6]. In a normal neural cell, when GABA interacts with and binds to GABA receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, it decreases the likelihood that the postsynaptic neuron will fire an action potential because of the inhibitory nature of GABA receptors. For a condition like cerebral palsy in which some form of insult or damage has occurred to the brain, especially in the upper motor neurons, the result is hyperactive reflexes (as opposed to the calming sensation). At this point, muscle spasticity begins to become detectable. [6]
Apart from the biological mechanism underlying this condition, particularly significant environmental factors also gravely contributed to Sam’s condition. For eight months, my mother was carrying a normally developing fetus in the womb. However, a few weeks before Sam’s delivery date, my mother could not feel any fetal movement for about three days, so she went to check on it. As she was receiving the examination, Sam unexpectedly made a fluttering movement. If he had not moved, my mother would have had to get a Caesarean section immediately. Since he moved inside, the examiners found nothing to be wrong with the fetus and deemed it safe to send my mother home.
Just a few days later, my mom was rushed to the hospital after her labor pain started. At the time, the primary medical staff mostly consisted of medical interns still honing in on decision-making skills during critical situations. From the time of my mother’s arrival at the hospital, 13 hours passed before a team of doctors and interns determined that she needed a C-section. Once this decision was made, additional time was required by the medical professionals to prepare the room for surgery. All the while, my mom was in labor pain and, unbeknownst to her, the fetus had become separated from the placenta while the umbilical cord suffered damage. By the time the surgery finally ended, Sam had suffered from asphyxiation. According to the Cerebral Palsy Guide, “asphyxiation that occurs during labor or delivery may have been caused by medical malpractice or neglect. Early detachment of the placenta, a ruptured uterus during birth or the umbilical cord getting pinched in a way that restricts blood flow can cause oxygen deprivation.” [7]
The most important aspect of a disease, once established and diagnosed, is treatment and therapy. Asking questions about how to manage pain, how to make daily routines easier to perform, and how to accommodate family members in raising a child with a disability all goes into the planning process of treatment as well. These individuals need more than mere pills in order to get through their daily lives. This is where therapists (i.e. occupational, behavioral, speech, physical, and vocational therapists) and related health advocates, including family members, come into play. While therapists cannot completely remove the condition, they provide a strategy to alleviate psychological symptoms, including feelings of loneliness, fear of who will care for you, or resentment towards oneself. Family psychologists can help children with cerebral palsy by providing an initial assessment in an attempt to gain more insight into the family dynamics. If there seems to be a lack of parental support or lack of child attachment, a family psychologist can address this through therapy sessions with the parents. Therapy sessions allow for parents to individually discuss what they think is working well for the child and other areas that can be improved. The parents are also free to talk about their own personal issues, permitting the psychologist to gain a better understanding of certain triggers for the parents. These triggers can affect caregiving for the child with special needs.
Cerebral palsy is more than just a neurological condition. It is a way of life that, for Sam, is entangled in a web of personal, social, familial, caregiver and medical challenges. One noteworthy concept heavily emphasized in the healthcare field today is the importance of a family-centered management model. The notion of a family-centered approach strives to improve the way of life for individuals with the condition in the family in a mutual way. For a family, it can be quite taxing physically and emotionally to have to take care of someone for the rest of their lives. While it is considerably easier for the receiver to reap the benefits of the caregiver, it is more difficult for the caregiver to constantly provide. The family-centered approach tries to find a middle ground where the caregiver or family and the care-receiver are benefitting from each other as much as possible. In a holistic family-centered model, the needs of each family member are taken into consideration.
A study by Susanne King details the role of pediatric neurologists, therapists, and family members, especially parents, in caring for children with cerebral palsy. This study mainly emphasizes the limiting restraints cerebral palsy places on individuals. For example, families with special needs children often have specific ways of communicating, specialized equipment used at home, and a support system consisting of the family members, therapists, and guidance counselors. The heavy emphasis on familial involvement with medical guidance from professionals is the root of family-centered care. King describes that “these children often have complex long-term needs that are best addressed by a family-centered service delivery model.”[8] Oftentimes, we see that those families who have disabled family members are suffering. Some parents, for example, experience great distress because they do not completely understand what is happening to their child and, thus, fail to acknowledge their limitations at times. Others feel that they are incapable of looking after their child but cannot bear the idea of sending them away to an institution.
King also discusses the lack of investigation of families as a whole practicing care-giving. “Although there is much evidence supporting a family-centered approach in the area of parental outcomes, there has been little work reported on the family unit as a whole,” King writes. “The most common outcome is better psychological well-being for mothers (because they generally were the participants in most of the studies).”[8]
In my family, I can actively see family-centered management of my brother’s condition occurring. I see how both my parents have certain roles in my brother’s life that collectively enable or mobilize him to feel included and respected. I like to call my parents the arms and legs for my brother in a figurative sense, and I like to call myself the eyes for my brother. Working together to the best of our ability, we enable him to see the outside world in a way that’s similar to the way we experience it.
All my life, I have seen my mother perform the role of a caregiver. I have seen so many ups and downs in her situation, and I would always ask myself the following questions. What makes her get up every morning and continue to give the care she does? What makes her not give up? She told me, “I have faith in God, and I know that He creates pathways for me to deal with the physical implications of taking care of a disabled family member and see, I have never had any major problems with your brother. I will continue to give care for as long as my body will allow for me to do so.”[1] Annemarie Mol and John Law of Duke University collaboratively published a research paper detailing how people are more than just the definitions of their disorders or conditions. According to Mol and Law, people actively create and construct their life in a way that either enhances or minimizes the intensity of their conditions. Mol and Law also explain that “there are boundaries around the body we do…so long as it does not disintegrate, the body-we-do hangs together. It is full of tensions, however.”[9] Their conclusion on what makes a person pull through encapsulates the reason my mother still continues to care for my brother.
The definition of cerebral palsy as a condition is very limited. Oftentimes people who have debilitating conditions are missing a network or a support system of people, that once established, can essentially improve that family member’s way of life. With the family-centered approach to managing care, one is essentially enabling the disabled family member by actively being a part of their life, including their day-to-day life activities. For example, through the support system we provide for Sam, he can feel that he is in good hands and that he has established emotional and personal security. Although his condition is permanent, it is comforting to know that our family dynamics allow for an environment in which he can thrive while remaining mentally healthy.
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- King S, Teplicky R, King G, Rosenbaum P. (2004). “Family-centered service for children with cerebral palsy and the families: a review of the literature.” Semin Pediatr Neurol. Science Direct.
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Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): PHMG-P and Other Disinfectant-associated Chemicals as Potential Causes, the Mechanism, and Potential Treatments
By Téa Schepper, Biological Sciences ‘19
Author’s Note
I would like to give special thanks to Professor Katherine Gossett (UC Davis) for encouraging me to write this paper and Dr. Angela Haczku (UC Davis Health) for her expertise in pulmonary diseases. Last fall, I decided to research idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis after my grandfather was hospitalized and diagnosed with it over the previous summer. I quickly discovered that there wasn’t much research on the disease itself or how to treat it due to its rarity. The purpose of this literature review is to inform others about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and to encourage further research on the subject. With time, this research could be vital in saving lives just like that of my grandfather.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an irreversible and fatal disease of the lungs. Although it has been associated with genetic predisposition, cigarette smoking, environmental factors (e.g. occupational exposure to gases, smoke, chemicals, or dusts) and other conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the mechanism and causes of IPF are not yet fully understood by researchers. However, recent studies have provided evidence that IPF may be caused by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to the inhalation of chemicals commonly found in household disinfectants. These chemicals have been identified as polymethylene guanidine phosphate (PHMG-P), didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB), oligo(2-(2-ethoxy)-ethoxyethyl) guanidinium chloride (PGH), and a mixture of chloromethylisothiazolinone (CMIT) and methylisothiazolinone (MIT). It has been suggested that the generation of ROS by these chemicals is responsible for damaging the cellular structures of the lungs and triggering the development of IPF through the activation of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling pathway. Studies have also shown microRNAs to be key regulators of the TGF-β pathway and the development of the disease. Several promising future treatments of IPF involve the inhibition of the TGF-ꞵ signaling pathway either through the administration of drugs containing sesquiterpene lactones, matrine, or oridonin compounds; or through the replenishment or inhibition of certain miRNAs. The studies detailed here highlight the importance of further research on IPF.
Keywords: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis | PHMG-P | TGFβ | miRNA
Pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible, fatal disease that results in scarring of the lung tissue and decreased function of the lungs. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis simply means that the cause is unknown. Patients with IPF typically experience difficulty breathing, with death caused by either respiratory failure or incurrent pneumonia. [1] The disease is characterized by marked collagen deposition and other alterations to the extracellular matrix (ECM), a network of macromolecules that provide structural support to the lungs. [1] These alterations to the ECM remodel and stiffen the lung’s airspaces and tissues. [1] It is also characterized by diffuse interstitial inflammation and respiratory dysfunction. [2] Although its cause remains unknown, it is believed that the main steps in the pathogenesis of IPF are initiated by the transforming growth factor β (TGF-ꞵ) signaling pathway and involves the migration, proliferation, and activation of lung fibroblasts and their differentiation into myofibroblasts. [3] Fibroblasts are cells that have a high ability to proliferate and to produce ECM and fibrogenic cytokines. [3] Fibrogenic cytokines are multifunctional immunoregulatory proteins that contribute to the inflammatory cell recruitment and activation needed to promote the development of fibrosis. [4] These cytokines can activate myofibroblasts, which are primarily responsible for the synthesis and excessive accumulation of ECM components, collagen and fibronectin, during the repair process that leads to fibrosis. [5], [6]
A 2011 outbreak of pulmonary fibrosis in South Korea prompted an onslaught of research as to how IPF may be caused and treated. [7] Specifically, this research has provided evidence that certain chemicals commonly found in household disinfectants can cause IPF through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS have a powerful oxidizing capability that can induce the destruction of cellular and subcellular structures in the lung, including DNA, proteins, lipids, cell membranes, and mitochondria. [8] This damage caused by ROS has been found to promote the activation of the TGF-ꞵ signaling pathway and the development of numerous characteristics associated with IPF. [4] This research has been invaluable for the discovery of new potential treatments for patients with IPF.
Potential inducers of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
After the 2011 outbreak in South Korea, researchers were able to find a connection between IPF and exposure to chemicals commonly found in household disinfectants, such as those found in humidifiers and pools. They have suspected that these chemicals can cause pulmonary fibrosis by infiltrating the respiratory system as aerosol particles to induce cellular damage. The chemicals polymethylene guanidine phosphate (PHMG-P), didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB), oligo (2-(2-ethoxy) ethoxyethyl guanidinium chloride (PGH), and the mixture of chloromethylisothiazolinone (CMIT) and methylisothiazolinone (MIT) attracted particular interest.
In a study evaluating registered lung disease cases in South Korea, it was revealed that 70 percent of registered patients that suffered from IPF or other forms of household humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury had used humidifier disinfectants containing the chemicals PHMG, PGH, or a mix of CMIT and MIT prior to their development of the disease [7] It was determined that the aerosol water droplets emitted by the humidifiers may have acted as carriers to deliver these chemicals into the lower part of the respiratory system, causing humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury. [7] It was also revealed that most of the affected patients in the study had used humidifier disinfectant containing the chemical PHMG. [7]
Another study detailed that even slight exposure to PHMG could cause cell death triggered by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). [8] Injury by ROS is typically followed by a fibrotic repair process involving increases in TGF-ꞵ expression, increased fibronectin, collagen synthesis, and a marked increase in the deposition of the ECM, all key characteristics of IPF. [4]
One way that ROS promote ECM deposition and IPF is by activating transcription factors like nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). [4] NF-κB is a regulator of proinflammatory cytokines that is typically bound to a cytoplasmic inhibitor. [9] One study found that exposure to the biocide (substance that destroys/prevents growth in organisms) and preservative PHMB was able to generate significant ROS levels and activate the NF-κB signaling pathway through the degradation of its inhibitor. [10] This is significant because the activation of proinflammatory cytokines is necessary for the recruitment and activation of myofibroblasts responsible for the increased ECM deposition that is characteristic of IPF patients. PHMB is also a cationic chemical and there is evidence that it can bind to negatively charged mucins, located within the mucous membranes of various organs. This can cause organs located in the respiratory tract to acquire increased susceptibility to PHMB and, in effect, a higher likelihood for the development of IPF. [10] Although the study did not match the exposure conditions of PHMB in humans, it has illuminated another way that individuals may develop IPF. [10]
In a study investigating the role of DDAC—one of the aerosols— in causing pulmonary fibrosis, mice exposed to DDAC exhibited fibrotic lesions that increased in severity over time. [11] Exposure to the chemical DDAC increased TGF-β signaling and appeared to maintain the differentiation of myofibroblasts. [11] This was complemented by the high expression of genes responsible for the production of collagen in fibrogenic lungs. [11] Overall, the form of pulmonary fibrosis that was induced by DDAC was mild, and so more research must be conducted before it can be concluded that the chemical DDAC is responsible for irreversible, severe pulmonary fibrosis. [11] It is also possible that some of the patients affected with humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury may have experienced synergistic or additive effects from using multiple humidifier disinfectants, but this can be difficult to determine. [7] However, this study does indicate that exposure to DDAC can result in the development of several characteristics typically associated with IPF.
PHMG-P as a potential causative of IPF
Of the chemicals listed in this literature review, PHMG-P has received the most attention by researchers. PHMG-P is a biocide that exhibits its antibacterial effect by disrupting the cell wall and inner membrane of bacteria, causing cellular leakage. [12] In a similar manner, PHMG-P can infiltrate the lungs in the form of aerosol particles and may cause IPF in individuals through the generation of ROS and the disruption of the ECM’s alveolar basement membrane. [4]
Disruption of the basement membrane occurs through increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), enzymes that degrade various components of connective tissue matrices. [6] Metalloproteinase MMP2, in particular, destroys the basement membrane by solubilizing ECM elastin, fibronectin, and collagen, helping immune cells and fibroblasts migrate to alveolar spaces. [12] This can lead to severe damage of the lung architecture and aberrant ECM deposition typical of IPF. [4]
In a study using an air-liquid interface (ALI) co-culture model to study the pathogenesis of fibrosis, PHMG-P was shown to trigger ROS generation, airway barrier injury, and inflammatory response. [4] Recall that exposure to other chemicals suspected of being potential inducers of IPF had similar effects. Therefore, it can be concluded that PHMG-P infiltrates the lungs in the form of aerosol particles and induces airway barrier injury by ROS. [4] This would result in the release of fibrotic inflammatory cytokines and trigger a wound-healing response that would eventually lead to pulmonary fibrosis. [4]
In an animal study, mice exposed to PHMG-P experienced difficulty breathing and exhibited pathological lesions similar to the pathological features observed in humans affected with IPF. [12] A time course of 10 weeks was even established for PHMG-P-induced pulmonary fibrosis. [12] Throughout this period, it was found that a single instillation of PHMG-P contributed to an increase in proinflammatory cytokine levels and elicited an influx of inflammatory cells into lung tissue. [12] This recruitment of inflammatory cells contributes to the deposition of ECM components in the lungs and, as a result, the development of IPF. The instillation of PHMG-P was also suspected of blocking T cell development and impairing its function in the immune system. [6] This would result in an insufficient resolution of inflammation caused by the increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and result in stacked fibrotic changes and the progression of IPF. [6]
Another study claimed that PHMG-P could cause pulmonary fibrosis through the activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway. [9] Recall that the NF-κB signaling pathway is responsible for the production of proinflammatory cytokines associated with the development of IPF. According to the study, mice exposed to PHMG-P generated a large amount of ROS and produced significant levels of the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 in a dose-dependent manner. [9] These cytokines produced by the NF- κB signaling pathway are known to activate the TGF-β signaling pathway, increase collagen production, and promote wound-healing and tissue remodeling responses. [4] As these responses are characteristic of IPF and the cytokines exhibited in this study are known to be produced through the activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway, there is strong evidence that PHMG-P can induce IPF through the NF-κB signaling pathway.
The Mechanism of IPF
TGF-β’s importance in the mechanism
Various studies of IPF have indicated that transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), one of the most significant fibrotic cytokines, plays a key role in the mechanism that induces IPF. TGF-β1 is credited with inducing the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts and upregulating the secretion of ECM proteins (like collagen) in IPF. [13]
Specifically, growth factor TGF-β1 binds directly to the TGFβ receptor II (TGFβRII), triggering the recruitment and activation of receptor TGFβRI by TGFβRII. [14] This step leads to the increased production of collagen through the activation of a collection of proteins called the Smad 2/3 complex. [13] The activated Smad 2/3 complex accomplishes this by entering the nucleus to enhance the transcription of profibrotic genes such as those that produce collagen. [13] This idea has been heavily supported by experimental evidence. Exposure to the chemical DDAC was found to increase cellular mRNA levels of TGF-β1 by two-fold. [11] This increase contributed to the activation of the Smad 2/3 complex [11] and induced the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. [15] Overall, this led to the development of pulmonary fibrosis-causing fibrotic lesions in mice. [11]
In another study, TGF-β was found to promote the development of IPF by inhibiting the expression of the microRNA let-7d, driving epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and increased collagen deposition. [1] Typically, epithelial cells are important to maintaining lung functionality by acting as a barrier against pathogens and other harmful compounds and secreting protective substances. [4] During EMT, however, these cells increase in cellular motility [16] and are transformed into myofibroblasts, resulting in the acceleration of IPF. [4] Additionally, epithelial cells during EMT promote the recruitment of fibroblasts, while simultaneously inhibiting collagen degradation and elevating the levels of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1). [4] TIMP-1 binds to metalloproteinase MMP2 to promote the growth of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, accelerating ECM deposition while preventing its degradation. [12] This corroborates the claim that the TGF-β signaling pathway is a crucial component in the mechanism of IPF.
MicroRNA’s role in TGF-β regulation and pulmonary fibrosis
MicroRNAs are mRNA sequences that bind to complementary mRNA of proteins to prevent their translation and expression. They are also involved in multiple steps of fibrosis, such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. [16] During the progression of IPF, miRNAs are known to regulate the process in which epithelial cells transition into myofibroblasts (EMT) to promote fibrosis. [16] Since each miRNA is specific to a particular mRNA sequence, miRNAs may function as either promoters or inhibitors of IPF. One study found that the miRNA, miR-433, can act as a promoter of IPF by upregulating receptor TGFβRI and growth factor TGF-β1 to amplify TGF-β signaling. [13] In a separate study, it was confirmed that miR-30c-1-3p may act as a negative regulator of pulmonary fibrosis through targeting the mRNA and preventing the expression of receptor TGFβRII. [15]
In a study headed by the Department of Pathology at the University of Michigan Medical School, it was concluded that the development and pace of progression of IPF may be due to abnormal miRNA generation and processing. [1] It was found that in rapidly progressing IPF biopsies, five miRNAs significantly increased and one decreased when compared to slowly progressive biopsies. [1] This indicates that miRNAs have a significant influence on the mechanism of IPF. Additionally, members of the miR-30c and let-7d family significantly decreased in both forms of IPF when compared with unaffected individuals. [1] As stated previously, certain members of the miR-30c family are believed to be negative regulators of IPF and members of the let-7d family are inhibitors of EMT. All of the stated evidence signifies that miRNAs, in addition to the TGF-β signaling pathway, play important roles in the development of IPF.
Other factors to consider in the mechanism
The NALP3 inflammasome is another important factor to consider in the mechanism of IPF. The NALP3 inflammasome is an innate immune system receptor suspected of being the main cause of persistent inflammatory response and exacerbation of fibrotic changes. [12] According to a study focused on researching PHMG-P-induced fibrosis in mice, the activation of the NALP3 inflammasome appeared to contribute to fibroblast proliferation and the progression of IPF due to the production of the cytokine IL-1β. [12] IL-1β is known to increase the production of ROS needed to induce lung tissue damage by upregulating the expression of the cytokine chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL1). [6] This upregulation of CXCL1 and resulting tissue damage was exhibited in the study, reinforcing the claim that the NALP3 inflammasome is a central component in the IPF mechanism. [12]
Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), an antibody that has an important role in the immune system, also may have a role in the mechanism of pulmonary fibrosis. In a study supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, immunoglobulin A, the most abundant human immunoglobulin, was compared with TGF-β in its role in inducing pulmonary fibrosis and inflammation. [3] In this study, sIgA enhanced collagen production and induced responses in cytokines IL-6 and IL-8, and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1). [3] MCP-1, similar to IL-6 and IL-8, is responsible for stimulating collagen synthesis and TGF-β production in fibroblasts. [6] It was concluded that under IPF, sIgA may make contact with lung fibroblasts and result in exacerbating airway inflammation and fibrosis through enhancing the production of inflammatory cytokines and ECM collagen. [3]
Potential therapeutic approaches and alternative methods of treatment
According to recent studies, only two drugs, pirfenidone and nintedanib, have been approved by the FDA for IPF treatment, and they have still failed to be significantly effective in treating the disease. [13] However, current studies on therapeutics that inhibit the TGF-β signaling pathway appear promising. Two particular drugs of interest are oridonin and matrine, along with their derivatives.
Oridonin, a major compound found in the herb Rabdosia rubescens, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation and cancer for hundreds of years. [2] In a study focused on testing its effectiveness in treating IPF, it was found that exposure to oridonin significantly decreased the levels of three major biomarkers of fibrosis—hydroxyproline (HYP), beta silicomolibdic acid (β-SMA), and collagen, type 1, alpha 1 (COL1A1)—in a dose-dependent manner. [2] Additionally, oridonin attenuated pathological changes such as alveolar space collapse and infiltration of inflammatory cells. [2] Oridonin was able to achieve this through significantly inhibiting the upregulation of collagen production and the activation of Smad 2/3 in lung tissues, an important step in the progression of IPF through the TGF-β signaling pathway. [2] This presents a strong case for the use of oridonin as a treatment for IPF.
Matrine, similar to oridonin, also has roots in traditional Chinese medicine. Matrine has been shown in several studies to exhibit significant antifibrotic effects through the inhibition of the TGF-β pathway. In one study, matrine was shown to have an inhibitory effect against liver fibrosis by reducing the expression of TGF-β1 and instead increasing the expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). [13] Through the inhibition of the TGF-β/Smad pathway, matrine was also shown to exhibit antifibrotic activities on cardiac fibrosis. [13] These antifibrotic effects are not just held by matrine, but their derivatives as well. The matrine derivative MASM was also shown to exhibit potent antifibrotic effects. [13] As the TGF-β signaling pathway is a central component in the mechanism of IPF, matrine and their derivatives present themselves as strong candidates for anti-IPF therapeutics.
Other drug candidates for the treatment of IPF are sesquiterpene lactones. Sesquiterpene lactones are naturally occurring compounds that are known to harbor extensive connections with the TGF-β1 signaling pathway. [5] This makes these compounds and their analogues strong drug candidates for IPF treatment. In one study, two out of 44 semi-synthetic analogues of sesquiterpene lactones were found to highly inhibit the TGF-β1 signaling pathway, ECM production, and the formation of fibroblasts. [5] This inhibition of ECM production and the formation of fibroblasts corroborates the claim that administering sesquiterpene lactones is an effective treatment for IPF.
As mentioned earlier, studies have shown microRNAs to be negative regulators of IPF. One study suggests that the replenishment of miR-30c may be a promising treatment. [15] Increased levels of miR-30c would promote the negative regulation of the TGF-β signaling pathway, suppressing the differentiation of myofibroblasts and preventing excessive collagen accumulation. In this manner, the replenishment of miR-30c would attenuate IPF symptoms. The inhibition of certain miRNAs, such as miR-34a, has also been shown to be an effective treatment. The inhibition of miR-34a by treatment with the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide (CSP) was found to prevent pulmonary fibrosis by preventing the overgrowth of fibroblasts. [17] Although the manipulation of miRNA expression has been shown to have a large impact on the development of IPF, there is one issue with this method of treatment. A single miRNA can target thousands of mRNAs, making the function miRNAs have in pathophysiological events involved in IPF unclear. [17]
Although there is limited research on the etiology of IPF, this should only serve to motivate researchers to study its causes, mechanism, and potential treatments further. Thus far, the chemicals that have been shown to be potential inducers of IPF are PHMG-P, DDAC, PHMB, PGH, and the mixture of CMIT and MIT. However, out of all the chemicals, only PHMG-P has been heavily researched, and so additional studies are needed to confirm the other chemicals’ involvement in inducing IPF. Additionally, this research could be expanded upon through the study of the effects of other household disinfectants on the human body to determine whether they are also factors in inducing IPF. Besides the discovery of potential causatives, studies have also further illuminated details about the mechanism. Specifically attracting interest is the TGF-β signaling pathway in addition to miRNAs and their involvement in the regulation of IPF. Furthermore, the manipulation of TGF-β and miRNA levels with oridonin, matirne, and sesquiterpene lactones has been linked to favorable outcomes in the treatment of IPF. With further research, these treatments could become common practice and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from IPF.
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Robot-Assisted Surgeries
By Neha Madugala, Cognitive Science, ‘22
Author’s Note:
I came across an article detailing the future of surgery. What initially seems like science fiction may be becoming a reality as more and more surgeries are being administered by robots. Through my research, however, I found that robot-assisted surgeries may have the initial appeal of lowering human error, but there are still various issues that must be resolved before they can fully take over in the surgical room.
Robot-assisted surgeries boast the potential of shorter recovery time, less pain and blood, and fewer scars and infections. They have been on the market for a little less than twenty years, and have been used in cancer procedures for about the past fifteen years. While the FDA has approved these devices for other procedures, robot-assisted surgeries have not officially been approved for cancer treatments. Regardless, surgeons have been and continue to perform robot-assisted surgery for cancer-related procedures due to their benefits and increased efficiency.
Robot-assisted surgeries mainly contrast from traditional surgeries because they can be performed through small cuts in the patient’s body. As a result, they are minimally invasive. There are three robotic arms, allowing for multiple angles for improved accuracy, which perform the incisions. According to The New York Times, the robotic arms are controlled by a computer and software that replicates the operating surgeon’s movements. This occurs as the operating surgeon performs the movements while looking at a magnified and high-definition screen of the surgical site captured by a camera attached to the robot. While the device requires limited retraining for surgeons, as of now, there is only one company actually offering this device. Interestingly, the device requires less precision and attention by the surgeon due to the magnification and the actual incisions being performed by the robot.
In 2000, the FDA approved for one of the first robot-assisted systems to be brought to the market. The system, called the da Vinci Surgical System promised to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical surgeries, not just cancer-related surgeries. In order to bring the system to the market quickly, the robotic surgery system went through “premarket notification,” allowing the company to skip the rigorous safety and efficacy trials. Essentially, “premarket notification” is supposed to ensure that a device is safe and this notation helps quicken a device’s journey to the market. The FDA said that this decision was based only on short-term data and a spokesperson stated that the decision was made “based on evaluation of the device as a surgical tool and did not include evaluation of outcomes related to the treatment of cancer.” The device promises more successful surgeries with limited retraining and a smooth transition from a humancentric to robot-assisted surgery. These prospects posed limited risks and the evident benefit of improving the success rate of these surgeries; as a result, the device was approved without a thorough and holistic evaluation.
While this system has only been approved for some urological and gynecological procedures, these devices are used for a vast array of other unapproved procedures. The FDA can assess the safety of these devices for certain procedures, but they cannot prevent these systems from being used in unapproved settings in the medical field. As a result, medical professionals may still use these systems for procedures that have not been approved by the FDA.
At the beginning of March, the FDA released a statement reminding the public that robot-assisted surgeries have not been approved for mastectomy or cancer-related surgeries, two procedures for which the device is frequently used. Dr. Terri Cornelison, who works for the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, has stated, “We are warning patients and providers that the use of robotically-assisted surgical devices for any cancer-related surgery has not been granted marketing authorization by the agency. The survival benefits to patients when compared to traditional surgery have not been established.” The FDA has claimed that there is no supporting evidence that robot-assisted surgeries are better than traditional surgeries and they have further claimed that robot-assisted surgeries result in more problems for patients receiving treatment for cervical cancer. Cornelison further states, “We want doctors and patients to be aware of the lack of evidence of safety and effectiveness for these uses so they can make better informed decisions about their cancer treatment and care.”
The FDA cited two studies that warn against the danger of robot-assisted surgery. Both studies were published by the New England Journal of Medicine. Both studies analyzed the difference between robot-assisted and traditional procedures for cervical cancer in women. The first study found that women who received surgery with robotic methods faced four times as many cancer recurrences and six times as many deaths. It should be noted that the procedure – radical hysterectomy – is considered to be a relatively safe procedure when performed correctly that can cure patients of cervical cancer. Furthermore, in the second study, 9.1% of the sample group died after minimally invasive surgeries, or in other words robot-assisted surgeries, and 5.3% died in open surgeries, which involve no robotic mechanisms.
It is not clear why robot-assisted surgeries have had worse results for cervical cancers. Dr. Pedro T. Ramirez, a surgical researcher at the Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, believes that these results may be due to the device or because carbon dioxide, which is used to provide a working and viewing space for the surgeon, may increase the spread of cancer during the procedure.
These findings by the FDA encourage patients to question their medical professionals about what type of procedures they will receive and to know the facts about different methods for surgery. In order to ensure that they receive the best care, it is important that patients have a say in the procedure they will receive by accurately weighing the risks and benefits. While the FDA cannot stop the use of these tools in the medical field, increased interest and probing of the mechanics of these systems are helping raise awareness about what is actually happening in the operation room.
Finding a Solution in the Source: Exploring the Potential for Early Beta Cell Proliferation to Disrupt Autoreactive Tendencies in a Type 1 Diabetes Model
By Reshma Kolala, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ‘22
Residing in the pancreas are clusters of specialized cells, namely alpha, beta (), and delta cells. cells, more specifically, are insulin-secreting cells that are instrumental in the body’s glucose regulation mechanism. An elevation of the extracellular glucose concentrations allows glucose to enter cells via GLUT2 transporters, where it is subsequently metabolized. The resultant increase in ATP catalyzes the opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, triggering the depolarization of the plasma membrane which in turn stimulates insulin release by cells (1). In individuals with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), however, pancreatic islet beta cells are damaged by pro-inflammatory cytokines that are released by the body’s own immune cells. The loss of functional beta cell mass induces a dangerous dysregulation of glucose levels, resulting in hyperglycemia along with other harmful side effects. The absence of a regulatory factor in the bloodstream forces those with T1D to take insulin intravenously to remedy the consequences.
A new study led by Dr. Ercument Dirice, a Harvard Medical School (HMS) instructor and research associate at the Joslin Diabetes Center. has suggested that an increase in cell mass early in life diminishes the autoreactive behavior of immune cells towards cells, therefore halting the development of T1D (2). In a typical T1D model, the secretion of antigens from cells induces a response from the body’s immune cells. These immune cells bind to the epitopes (the recognizable portion of an antigen) that are displayed on the surface of professional antigen presenting cells (APC’s) which are littered throughout the pancreatic islets (3). This binding action induces a destructive autoimmune response to antigens secreted by cells, resulting in loss of functional beta-cell mass. It was found however that by increasing cell mass at an early age where the organs of the immune system are still developing, the immune cells stopped attacking cells.
The novel approach presented by Dirice et al. departs from the traditional method of targeting various other components involved in the destructive autoimmune response, namely APC’s or the pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with T1D progression. This method instead focuses on the source of the autoimmune marked “pathogenic” antigens, the cells themselves.
The studies were completed using two models of female non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. One was a genetically engineered model of female mice (NOD-LIRKO) that showed increased cell growth soon after birth while the second model was done using a live mouse that was injected at an early age with an agent known to increase cell proliferation. While maintaining more than 99.5% isogenicity (4), it was found that the mice with increased cell mass had a significantly lower predisposition to develop diabetes when compared against the NOD control mice, which developed severe diabetes between 20-35 weeks of age. The study also observed the interaction between the modified cells and immune cells by monitoring the concentration of these immune cells in the spleen. In doing this, researchers were able to conclude which mice had a greater risk of developing T1D based on if mice had an abnormal increase in the concentration of these cells.
At first glance, this method appears counterintuitive as an increase in cell mass may lead one to naively assume that this would result in increased autoantigen production. This precise hypothesis illustrates the beauty of this approach. Although the specific details of this mechanism have yet to be made clear, it is believed that the rapid turnover of cells “confuses” the autoimmune reaction. The proliferated cells present unusual autoantibodies that are not observed in typical T1D progression. Dr. Rohit Kulkarni, a fellow HMS professor and researcher at Joslin noted that there is thought to be some alteration in the new cells where the autoantigens typically produced are reduced or dilated (2). As a result of the slow presentation of antigens, there is a lower proportion of autoreactive immune cells. This essentially results in a “reshapen immune profile that specifically protects cells from being targeted.” Some degree of autoimmunity would continue to exist in the body, so further immunosuppressive treatment would be required.
Early cell proliferation has been previously speculated to have a protective effect in those with reduced functional cell mass as in a Type 1 Diabetes model. Once this preventative quality is better understood, applications of this research may be further explored. Despite still being in the beginning stages, this novel approach holds tremendous potential for application to T1D if this method is able to be translated to a human model. The massive prevalence of a T1D diagnosis is illustrated by 2014 census data that states that T1D affects roughly 4.7% of the world’s adult population. Although extensive research continues to be done on several aspects of the disease, the introduction of new data by Dirice et al. may push us a small step closer to solving one of the body’s greatest metabolic mysteries.
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- Burrack, A. L., Martinov, T., & Fife, B. T. (2017, December 05). T Cell-Mediated Beta Cell Destruction: Autoimmunity and Alloimmunity in the Context of Type 1 Diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5723426/
- Dirice, E., Kahraman, S., Jesus, D. F., Ouaamari, A. E., Basile, G., Baker, R. L., . . . Kulkarni, R. N. (2019, May 06). Increased β-cell proliferation before immune cell invasion prevents progression of type 1 diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/s42255-019-0061-8?_ga=2.76180373.1669397493.1557550910-1092251988.1557550910