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[su_heading size="15" margin="0"]The BioInnovation Group is an undergraduate-run research organization aimed at increasing undergraduate access to research opportunities. We have many programs ranging from research project teams to skills training (BIG-RT) and Journal Club.

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It’s in the Blood- Or Rather, the Genes: A Review of The Gene: An Intimate History

By Gita Mallya, Plant Biology, ‘19


Author’s note: I wrote this piece for my UWP 104E class with Brenda Rinard during Fall Quarter 2017. The assignment was to read a classic book based in science and then to write a review on it. I chose this book because I have always been fascinated by genetics and the study of genes even catalyzed my decision to study biology. Although the review was a class assignment, it gave me the opportunity to explore and think critically about a subject I feel passionately about. I would like the reader to come away with the notion that scientific study is not always as cut and dry as it may seem, and that The Gene is a worthwhile read that weaves science and history in a captivating way. 
