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[su_heading size="15" margin="0"]The BioInnovation Group is an undergraduate-run research organization aimed at increasing undergraduate access to research opportunities. We have many programs ranging from research project teams to skills training (BIG-RT) and Journal Club.

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To Infinity and Beyond: A Review of “The Life of Pi, and Other Infinities” by Natalie Angier

By Lo Tuan, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior and Managerial Economics, ’17

Author’s Note:

I wrote this review as an assignment for a UWP course that investigates the role of science in society using different lenses and models. It was a scintillating experience engaging in scientific reading and writing while evaluating the relationship between science and society. This paper proved to be a useful exercise for me to communicate scientific information to the general public in a clear and accessible manner.
