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[su_heading size="15" margin="0"]The BioInnovation Group is an undergraduate-run research organization aimed at increasing undergraduate access to research opportunities. We have many programs ranging from research project teams to skills training (BIG-RT) and Journal Club.

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Monocarboxylate Transporter 1’s Facilitation of Cancer Cell Activity

By Rachel Hull, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ’19

Author’s note

I originally wrote this paper for my Biological Systems class, the instructor of which was interested in researching the physiological role of monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1). He instructed his students to write an essay exploring this role in any way they wanted, and I chose to focus on the link between MCT1 and cancer. I enjoyed sifting through multiple strands of evidence for the reasons behind this link — strands that oftentimes were not in agreement with one another.
