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[su_heading size="15" margin="0"]The BioInnovation Group is an undergraduate-run research organization aimed at increasing undergraduate access to research opportunities. We have many programs ranging from research project teams to skills training (BIG-RT) and Journal Club.

If you are an undergraduate interested in gaining research experience and skills training, check out our website (https://bigucd.com/) to see what programs and opportunities we have to offer. In order to stay up to date on our events and offerings, you can sign up for our newsletter. We look forward to having you join us![/su_heading]

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Understanding the Tumultuous Trajectory of a Concept in The Gene

By Daniel Erenstein, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, ‘19

Author’s Note: In my Writing in Science (UWP 104E) course, Dr. Brenda Rinard assigned us a review of a classic book in science. My interests in social history and the genetics of disease inspired me to read Siddhartha Mukherjee’s The Gene: An Intimate History. The following book review of The Gene is intended for undergraduate biology majors at UC Davis and beyond. I wrote this review to persuade my peers of the book’s instructional and thought-provoking value. My hope, too, is that readers of this review are encouraged by the pursuit of knowledge presented in The Gene’s stories to transform their passion for science into future innovations.
